Atlas Elevator Co. - San Francisco, CA

If you have any information regarding this company, please Email Us.
There are no longer any records that we can find but from what we can gather, Atlas Elevator Co. contracted to the military for foundry and machine work during World War II. At the end of the war Atlas contracted to build a small number of fire hydrants for the East Bay Municipal Utility District based in Oakland, CA. These hydrants were prototypes of EBMUD's new "in house" design.

All known Atlas hydrants were cast in October of 1945. They can occasionally be found in various East Bay communities that are served by EBMUD, although most are confused with Greenberg EBMUD spec models that were produced near the same time. So far we have found single 2½" and double 2½" models although it is conceivable that a few pumper outlet hydrants may exist.

The hydrants shown here are part of the Willis Lamm Collection.


Date: 1945


Closeup of EBMUD logo on bonnet


Date: 1945

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