John Anderson's Hydrant Collection - Photo Page 8
  • Eclipse (no brand indicated)
  • Kupferle Fdry Co.
  • National Co.
  • Kerr Engine Co. Ltd.
  • Lawco
  • Thos. Lawson & Sons Ltd.

  • WebMaster's Note: Whenever possible the photos shown are those of his collection hydrants. However in some instances other FH.O photos have been used; these have an asterick (*) after the photo number.
    1530 (no brand)
    (No. 2 Eclipse)
    · 1 screw-in nozzle
    embossing closeup
    2256 (no brand)
    No. 2 Eclipse
    · 1 screw-in nozzle
    embossing closeup
    1332 (no brand)
    No. 2 Eclipse
    · 2 screw-in nozzles
    embossing closeup
    2277 (no brand)
    No. 3 Eclipse
    · 1 leaded-in noz.
    embossing closeup
    1529 (no brand)
    No. 3 Eclipse
    · 2 leaded-in noz.
    embossing closeup
    1333 (no brand)
    No. 3 Eclipse
    · 2 leaded-in noz.
    embossing closeup
    1096 National Co.
    No. 3 Eclipse
    · 2 leaded-in noz.
    embossing closeup
    1334 (no brand)
    (No. 3 Eclipse)
    · 2 leaded-in noz.
    embossing closeup
    1528 Kupferle
    No. 3 Eclipse
    · 2 leaded-in noz.
    embossing closeup
    1336 Kupferle
    Eclipse 65
    · circular wording pattern
    1337 Kupferle
    Eclipse 70
    · circular wording pattern
    0477 Kupferle
    Eclipse 75
    · circular wording pattern
    0186 Kupferle
    Eclipse 75
    · semi-circular wording pattern
    1942 Kerr Engine
    · ~4" V.O.
    · dated 1911
    2155 Lawco
    No. 500
    Ottawa WW Dept
    ·5" V.O., 1966
    2156 Thos. Lawson
    · ~5" V.O.
    · undated

    Summary | 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
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