Puerto Rico Spec

Puerto Rico became a United States territory as a result of the Spanish-American War of 1898. In 1951 its citizens voted Puerto Rico status as a commonwealth.

Current Puerto Rico hydrants are based on hydrants designed for the U.S. market. They differ in appearance with a distinctive step change in barrel diameter just above the bolting flange. Presumably the barrel diameter, bonnet size, etc. above the step are the same as the U.S. market hydrants they are based on; and the change in lower barrel diameter is to step up to an older mounting flange bolting pattern and diameter.

All photos © 2010 John Anderson unless otherwise credited.

  "PR" & "PRST" hydrants
Hydrants are embossed with either "PR" or "PRST" for Puerto Rico Standard(?). The various spec hydrants shown below are not necessarily all of the brands in service. Perhaps 99% of the hydrants found on the island have the fluted bonnet and barrel as seen in the first two images below.
  • They have three nozzles; one 2½" hose and one ~4½" steamer and are of 4½" valve opening.

  • (If you have further information about these hydrants please Contact Us)
    Model: AP Smith H100
    Dated: ?
    (See back, bonnet view)
    M&H Valve
    Model: clone of U.S.Pipe
    Dated: 2005
    (See back, bonnet view)
    Kennedy Valve
    Model: K10
    Dated: 2000
    (See back view)

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