Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co. - Troy, NY
List 75 Multiple Valve

All vintages of multiple valve (internally gated) List 75s are found on this page. They are presented below in 2 groups based on the style of bonnet. All are of a one piece barrel design.

(See also similar looking High Pressure hydrants.)
  List 75 Multiple Valve
Bonnet style: sharp edge & fluted
The bonnets of this group look identical to those of standard List 75 hydrants.
  • These hydrants have no logo on the barrel like the first group of standard List 75 shown in Part 1.
  • 1480
    Nozzles: 3x 2½"
    Size: ~7¾" barrel I.D.
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: © 2001, J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 4x 2½"
    Size: ~7¾" barrel I.D.
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: © 2001, J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 4x 2½"
    Size: 8" barrel I.D.
    Location: Jeff K. collection
    Photo: © 2003, J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 4x 2½", 1x 4" (not gated)
    Size: ~7¾" barrel I.D.
    Location: Private collection
    Photo: © J. Kaminski

      List 75 Multiple Valve
    Bonnet style: rounded edge & fluted
    This bonnet style has a distinctly different shape but retains the fluting on the sides.
  • The hydrants of this group may all have the 3½" wide "narrow border" logo found on the standard List 75 hydrants shown midpage in Part 2.
  • 0114
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 7" barrel I.D.
    Logos: ?
    Location: Danville, VA
    Photo: © 1999, E. Kennedy
    Nozzles: 3x 2½"
    Size: 7" barrel I.D.
    Logos: 3½" wide
    Location: Connecticut
    Photo: © 2002, J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5" (not gated)
    Size: 7" barrel I.D.
    Logos: 3½" wide below O.D. rib
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: © 2001, J. Kaminski

    Patent | List 75 - Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 | List 80 & Hi-Pressure | List 90
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