North American Manufacturers (P-T) of Dry Barrel Fire Hydrants

(Revised 11Jul00)

Catalog Model / Cast Model / Vintage & Additional Detail Barrel Detail Size Nozzle Configuration & Photo Number
Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. - Provo, UT
· all known models have an off-center operating nut
???? / ???? / Type 1a - octagonal sloped bonnet, 1948 noted Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, smooth ? (8 bolts under bonnet) 0342
???? / ???? / Type 1b - octagonal sloped bonnet, 1962 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/4 bolt joint, smooth ? (8 bolts under bonnet) 0501; 0502
Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, smooth ? (8 bolts under bonnet) 0235
???? / ???? / Type 2 - modern appearance Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, smooth ? 0234
Penn-Troy Machine Corp. - Troy, PA
???? / D-2-LP NYC / modern appearance, 1998 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, smooth ? 0232
NYC spec Series S / S-2-LP NYC / 1998 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/2 bolt clamp joint, vert. fluted ? 0233
Phoenix Foundry - St. Johns, NB
???? / ???? / flip-lid style, mfr. name & location on top of lid, similar to Hinckley hydrants Dry: 2 pc. w/6 bolt joint, vert. fluted ? 0358 0361(top), 0359
Pratt & Cady Company - Hartford, CT
???? / ???? / Pat. July 16, 1901; off-center operating nut Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, smooth 4 1/4" (6 bolts under bonnet) 0343, 0374
Queen City Iron Works - Cincinatti, OH
???? / ???? / has "Hesterberg, Ohio" cast vertically on barrel, sharply pointed bonnet Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, smooth ? (4 bolts under bonnet) 0055
R.D. Wood - Philadelphia, PA (see also Kennedy Valve)
???? / ???? / Type 1 - barrel necks down below O.D. rib Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, vert. fluted ? (3 bolts under bonnet) 0226
???? / Modernized / Var. 1 - Pat. 1906, 2 tier bonnet, short upper tier Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, vert. fluted ? (4 bolts under bonnet) 0231; 0472
???? / Modernized / Var. 2a - 2 tier bonnet, tall upper tier Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, vert. fluted ? (4 bolts under bonnet) 0230
???? / Modernized / Var. 2b - 2 tier bonnet, tall upper tier, 1953-60 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/6 bolt joint, vert. fluted ? (4 bolts under bonnet) 0210, 0255, 0104, 0490
???? / ???? / Type 2 - cap chains attach to screw-in eyebolt Dry: 1 pc. w/no O.D. rib, vert. fluted ? (4 bolts under bonnet) 0253
???? / ???? / Type 3 - Hi-pressure smooth barrel Dry: 2 pc. w/12 bolt joint, smooth Large! (12 bolts under bonnet) 0227
???? / ???? / Type 4 - Hi-pressure vertically fluted barrel Dry: 2 pc. w/12 bolt joint, vert. fluted Large! (12 bolts under bonnet) 0228
???? / Special / integral bonnet and nozzle sections, 1941-45 noted Dry: 1 pc., smooth ? (6 bolts under bonnet) 0229; 0195
Rensselaer Valve Co. - Troy, NY
· all known models have an off-center operating nut
· all hydrants except the List 90 Var. 1a have "Rensselaer Valve Co." cast onto upper barrel
List 90 / The Corey (on bonnet) / Var. 1a - Pat. Mar. 12, Dec. 3, 1895; has "Rensselaer Mf'g. Co." cast onto upper barrel Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, smooth ~4" (4 bolts under bonnet) 0119, 0176
    ~5" (8 bolts under bonnet) 0224; 0004; 0481; 0222
List 90 / The Corey (on bonnet) / Var. 1b - no patent dates, no year of manufacture Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, smooth ~4" (4 bolts under bonnet) 0120; 0531; 0532; 0506
List 90 / The Corey (on bonnet) / Var. 1c - no patent dates, 1934 noted Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, smooth ~4" (4 bolts under bonnet) 0529
List 90 / The Corey (on bonnet) / Var. 2 - 2 pc. barrel, 1956 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/4 bolt joint, smooth 4" (4 bolts under bonnet) (n/a)
List 90A / Corey 90A Rensselaer (on bonnet) / also L-90A on upper barrel, humped bonnet compared to that of L-90B, 1945-56 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/4 bolt joint, smooth 4" (4 bolts under bonnet) (n/a)
  Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, smooth 5" (8 bolts under bonnet) 0207, 0187
List 90B / Corey 90B Rensselaer (on bonnet) / also L-90B on upper barrel, flatter bonnet then that of L-90A, 1960-68 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/4 bolt joint, smooth 4" (4 bolts under bonnet) 0487; (n/a)
  Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, smooth 5" (8 bolts under bonnet) 0225, 0188
Rich Mfg. Co. - Corona, CA
· both wet and dry barrel models made by the same company
???? / ???? / frisbee-shaped bonnet w/fitting on top, constant diameter barrel Dry: 2 pc. w/6 bolt joint, smooth ? 0476
Ripley & Detrick Supply Co. - ????,??
Empire / Empire / Pat. Dec 11, 1888; Eclipse style bonnet attachment and pot-bellied appearance, a twin to the National model by Am. Foundry & Mfg. Co. Dry: 1 pc. w/no O.D. rib, smooth ~3" (4 bolts under bonnet) 0462
South Park Pump and Hydrant - South St. Paul, MN
???? / ???? / similar to Waterous W31/W59 models also made in St. Paul, MN; short upper barrel, 1941-42 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, smooth ? (8 bolts under bonnet) 0038
Tamaqua Mfg. Co. - Tamaqua, PA
???? / (none) / Pat. May 1882 on bonnet, projections on barrel for nozzles are fluted Dry: 1 pc. w/no rib, vert. fluted ? (8 bolts under bonnet) 0344 0349 (top)
TCIW (Traverse City Iron Works) - Traverse City, MI
· all models have a bonnet integral with the nozzle section
???? / ???? / Type 1a - bonnet & nozzle section is same diameter as lower barrel, vertically fluted, "TCIW" and city, state on top of bonnet, 1958-69 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, vert. fluted 5 1/4" 0221 ; n/a
???? / ???? / Type 1b - bonnet & nozzle section is same diameter as lower barrel, smooth surface, 1972-74 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, smooth ? 0220 ; 0218
???? / ???? / Type 2 - rounded, tapered integral bonnet/nozzle section, TCIW logo, 1976-78 noted Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, smooth 5 1/4" 0219
Terminal City Iron Works - Vancouver, BC
???? / ???? / similar to Ludlow List 75, projections on barrel for nozzles are fluted Dry: 1 pc. w/O.D. rib, vert. fluted ? 0169
???? / C71P / modern appearance, bonnet and section of barrel above nozzles is larger in diameter than the rest of the barrel Dry: 2 pc. w/8 bolt joint, smooth 5 1/4" 0390

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